Where should a smoke detector be installed for optimal safety?

You are advised to install a smoke detector on each floor of your home, near your bedrooms. If you have a corridor longer than 10m, you should install a smoke alarm at each end. It is also a good idea to install several if your home has a large surface area. Moreover, if one of the inhabitants smokes in their bedroom, you are not advised to install a detector in this room. It is better to add a smoke sensor in the hallway. For better protection against the risk of fire, you can opt to install a detector in every room, provided that you follow a few recommendations concerning their location. A smoke detector should not be installed in the following places:

- In a room were the temperature is too low (below 4°C) or near to a heat source (above 45°C) as this interferes with the functioning of the detector

- In a water room (kitchen, bathroom, laundry)

- In a potential air flow (near a window, fan, air conditioning or heating appliance)

- In a room where smoke unrelated to a house fire is produced (near cooking appliances, fireplaces, boilers or exhaust gases from a car)

- In places with too much dust.